The Crying Princess 爱哭公主
This book depicts a princess who loves the colour pink. She throws a party where everything is pink in colour and everything looks amazing! Suddenly, she realized there is a yellow balloon! Being the perfectionist, she starts crying. How can we help make her happy again? This book helps our little ones learn how to be in touch with their emotions.
爱哭公主的粉红色派对开始了!爱哭公主个子小,喜爱粉红色,哇哇大哭的嘴巴里露出尖尖的牙。今天是爱哭公主的粉红色生日派对,在盛大的派对上,到处都装点着粉红色。美丽梦幻的派对即将开始,一切都很美好。突然,冒出了一只黄色的气球i!粉红色派对里不能有黄色!眼里容不下一粒沙的爱哭公主,开始嚎啕大哭,朋友们纷纷落荒而逃…… 该怎样做才能让爱哭公主的哭哭脸变笑笑脸呢?