Maha Yuyi

大家来刷牙 Brush your teeth please

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Learn about proper dental hygiene in this delightful pop-up book. What child can resist imitating a chimp brushing its teeth back and forth? Or a shark that flosses every day? Little ones will have lots of fun learning about proper dental hygiene in this delightful pop-up book.

透过有趣的立体动感效果,孩子们可看到各种动物张嘴刷牙、剔牙的模样,进而激发模仿行为,自然的喜欢上刷牙。 小朋友的乳牙蛀得严重时,会把牙根蛀坏,伤及恒齿,因此小朋友从小就必须养成良好的刷牙习惯,才会拥有洁白、健康的牙齿。